Frostburg Lounge
About Our Lounge Car
The “Frostburg Lounge” was built as a 56-seat coach #54 the “Cocoa-Rockledge” by the Pullman-Standard in 1949 for the Florida East Coast. It was assigned to pool service in the Miami area and was sold to the Seaboard Air Line in November of 1965. The Seaboard sold the car to Amtrak in 1971 as #5477. After life on Amtrak, the car was retired for a period of time, before being purchased by the New Georgia Railroad in February of 1984. The coach seats were torn out and the car was built into a lounge. After the interior rebuild, the car traveled many miles behind steam star Atlanta & West Point #290 as the “Coca-Cola” car.
After the New Georgia Railroad Dinner Train was discontinued, the car was sold to the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad and renumbered to #851, and named “Richard E. Markle”. The lounge received a quick tune-up, and was placed into service on the WMSR. The #851 was also included on CSX’s Governor’s Train to the Kentucky Derby from 2012 to 2014. The car was retired again until an interior rebuild took place in 2022. It was then renamed the “Frostburg Lounge” upon return to operation on the WMSR in 2023. The #851 offers leather chair seating for 18, with a full bar onboard.